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No Engagement Ring Page 2
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“Call it male ego,” he excused. They gave him a bewildered look. “Usually women are running into me but this one just wants to run away from me,” he elaborated.
Both women laughed heartily.
“But why have me supervise her?” Emily asked baffled. “I am not a qualified teacher and I only agreed to supervise the children until you find a teacher.”
“I just feel she is far too young,” he shrugged.
“At twenty three, I already had a one year old child,” Emily retorted with raised eyebrows.
“She is a very young twenty three year old,” he sighed. “And very timid. Imagine what the children will do to her! I would rather you kept an eye on her and if she is not coping, it would be better to rectify now,” he stated with authority.
“And prove Him wrong!” Emily muttered under her breath.
“Well I think she is lovely,” Sarah interjected. “I'm sure she will do quite well.”
“We'll see,” Jonathan said thoughtfully as they wrapped up and left the classroom. He was not sure what they were in for but he was not eager to fight God on this one. Over and over again, he'd learned it was better and more blessed to do His bidding.
Chapter 2
The next morning, Hannah made sure she was at the school a whole hour before the start bell.
“Welcome, Miss Hannah!” Errol, the security guard at the gate, sporting his name badge proudly, greeted her enthusiastically. “They told me you were starting at our school today. I'm sure your staff access will be sorted out by the end of today.” He smiled encouragingly.
“Thank you Errol! I'm sure it will be.” She smiled warmly at him before proceeding to the school office.
Madeline was already there, cheerful as usual. “Good morning, Hannah!” she greeted brightly. “You are nice and early.”
“Good morning, Mrs Camp! I didn't want to miss the bus,” she gave a small laugh.
“Madeline please! It is a good thing you are early. You can complete your paperwork before the day begins and before we forget.” Hannah was agreeable.
Madeline clipped some papers onto a clipboard and handed it to her before bustling off to do other things while the forms were being filled in. As soon as Hannah completed the documents, she handed it back to Madeline who placed the papers into a folder marked 'confidential'. After that formality was taken care of, Madeline took Hannah on a quick tour of the school ending at the teachers' lounge. Hannah was impressed with the beautiful school building and everything she saw.
“Help yourself to some coffee,” Madeline offered.
“Thank you but maybe a bit later,” Hannah said nervously.
“Any time! There will always be a supply available,” Madeline said amicably.
Just then Sarah walked in. “Oh, good morning, Hannah! You're early!” she said pleased. “Good morning, Madeline!” she greeted the secretary just as kindly.
“Good morning, Mrs Hart!” Hannah greeted back timidly with a shy smile.
“Good morning, Sarah!” Madeline greeted her boss robustly.
“Is Emily here already?” Sarah called as she entered her office and deposited her bag and jacket in the cupboard.
“Not yet! But I'm sure she'll be here any minute.” Madeline answered confidently. “Shall I take Hannah to her classroom in the meantime?”
Sarah thought for a bit before answering, “Probably a good idea. I'm sure Emily is on her way.” Her tone held no worry, so Hannah relaxed.
Emily would not renege on her duty especially if Jonathan Chandler gave the orders would she? Of course not! Hannah reprimanded herself. Emily was not the type of person to shirk her duties. She had come across as very conscientious.
The classroom for the grade R was superb sporting every resource available to teach with. It was a conducive environment for learning. Hannah didn't feel lost when Madeline left her alone in it. Instead, she studied all the material and resources in the room, to keep occupied whilst awaiting Emily's appearance. It was still ten minutes before start bell.
Hannah sat in the chair supplied for the teacher and waited. Panic set in when at five minutes to start, Emily was not yet there. Not that she was incapable of teaching the class, she just wanted to meet all of Jonathan's requirements. Relief, therefore, flooded her when just after that, Emily arrived, out of breath.
“Sorry, I'm late!” Emily apologised profusely removing her jacket before hanging it on the coat hangar standing in the corner of the room behind the door, together with Hannah's and placing her bag in the drawer of the desk that held Hannah's things.
“No problem at all,” Hannah said relieved. “I'm just glad you are here.”
They had no further chance to talk as the children came in from the play area where they usually waited before school began. Emily introduced Hannah as their new teacher then opened in prayer. That they began their school day with a prayer first and foremost, delighted Hannah.
Having been trained to teach grade R to four, Hannah was soon into the swing of things on her first day. Emily, watching mostly, assisted whenever Hannah asked. Emily was quite impressed with the small in stature but big on creativity woman, who thoroughly enjoyed teaching this age group. She was animated and alive, full of go and eager to impress the lessons on the children without causing them discomfort.
Soon the day was over. “Some children will be collected to go home and others would be sent into after care until they are fetched,” Emily filled Hannah in on the procedure at the school as soon as the bell went off. Either way the children were always safe.
“Did you enjoy your first day?” Emily asked as Hannah packed away the day's used equipment and material.
She stopped and her eyes took on a dreamy look. “Yes, very much so. I always wanted to teach this age group but my previous school only had an opening for grade two. It is much better to be teaching at a Christian school though.” She smiled widely.
“I think you did very well. You are a natural and know you way around the material. I don't think I will need to be here for much longer,” Emily made up her mind.
“Oh, no!” Hannah blurted with a stricken face. “Pastor Chandler won't like that. Please stay until he is convinced that I can do this,” she pleaded.
“Are you afraid of him?” Emily asked taken aback, taking in Hannah's rigid stance.
“Very!” Hannah confessed unashamedly. “Aren't you?”
Emily laughed. “I am far too old to be afraid,” she said with a smile. “I'm sure you will feel differently in a few days.”
Hannah doubted that but she kept it to herself. Emily didn't bring up the issue of her discontinuing supervision sooner, again.
The week passed quickly and Hannah felt like she had been teaching at the school for more than a week. She checked in every day with the principal who was happy that she was making good progress in such a short time. Emily came in every day still even though she thought it was a waste of time. But she wanted to appease Hannah.
Hannah liked having Emily around. Emily was motherly, kind and always very supportive. Slightly taller than herself, and slim, Emily had a lot of energy for her age. She never criticised even when things didn't go well. Gently, Emily initiated her into the school policy, values and mission. A very solid foundation indeed, Hannah thought and was glad she was able to be a part of it.
Friday after class, they were packing things away when Hannah asked casually, “Mrs Garrick, do you know where I could find a place to stay that's close to the school but not too expensive? I'm currently staying in a place that charges a daily rate and it's becoming unaffordable.”
“Well, I have a one bedroom cottage that's not being used, if you would like to occupy it. It's at the back and secluded so it will give you complete privacy. We can work out something for the rental,” Emily offered generously. “It's about a block away from here.”
“Sounds perfect. When is it available?” Hannah asked joyously, making her elfin shaped face light up.
can move in tomorrow,” Emily said positively. “The cottage is fully furnished.”
“Gosh! This is just so awesome!” Hannah's eyes filled with tears of gratitude.
“Isn't God just amazing?” Emily asked with a smile as she hugged the young woman she had come to love already.
“He is!” Hannah agreed wholeheartedly. “Did you not have someone renting in your cottage?” Hannah asked curiously as an afterthought.
“The house always had a cottage but we never wanted to rent it out. We decided it would be ideal to let visiting pastors or patrons or just desperate people, use the place once we furnished it. In that way there would always be a place available. Which was a good thing. When my youngest son was recovering from a broken relationship, he lived there until he could move on,” Emily explained unashamedly.
Hannah was delighted that Emily could trust her with family information but she didn't want to pry so didn't ask any more information on Emily's son's relationship. It was none of her business anyway.
With directions on how to get there, Emily left. Happily Hannah continued to set up for the next week before leaving. It was weekend so she could settle in nicely at the new cottage.
The cottage was bigger than Hannah expected. Fully furnished with everything necessary and curtains already hung up. It was beautiful and perfect for her. Emily came to see her settled in before inviting her to dinner that evening.
“Oh, I couldn't impose on you,” Hannah toyed with the idea.
“No imposition at all. You'll get to meet my husband, Derrick.” Emily was insistent.
Hannah had no choice but to accept. After packing away her things, she relaxed. From next Saturday, she would have no chance to relax having to attend the required course. She was rather looking forward to it. The church back home didn't run courses, simply 'Bible Studies' on a Tuesday – a not too in-depth look at scriptures in her opinion.
Dinner was a wonderful affair. Just the three of them. Derrick was a delight. He was very welcoming and friendly, as well as encouraging and funny. Something she would not expect from a plumber who ran his own business. Very eager also, to hear all about what she thought of the school.
He also spoke very highly of the church and it's pastor who was much younger than him. This was a man who respected authority, Hannah realised. Soon the companionable evening ended and Hannah helped Emily clean up.
“Would you like a lift to church tomorrow?” Emily asked Hannah before she left for the cottage.
“Oh, that would be lovely, thank you,” Hannah gladly accepted. She had to attend this church as part of the agreement for teaching at the school and with a lift there, she would not flounder. “What time do we leave?”
“We like to attend the first service but if you would like to go later, we can,” Emily said with ease.
“You have more than one service?” Hannah's light brown, round eyes were wide with amazement.
Emily nodded her head. “The congregation is far too big to have one seating. Currently we have two seatings.”
Still reeling from the number of services, Hannah said dazedly, “Early is good for me.”
“Good! We'll leave at eight am if you could wait out front.”
Hannah nodded acceptance, then said goodnight and went off to her place. It felt good to have a 'place' of her own and she felt she would have complete freedom here. It was convenient and a bus trip was short and inexpensive. She slept like a baby that night.
The service was very invigorating, different from the other churches she'd attended. Although, Emily and Derrick sat up front, Hannah decided she would stay at the back where she was more comfortable. From that far away, Jonathan Chandler wasn't so intimidating.
After the service, Emily and Derrick wanted to chat with friends and Hannah didn't want to intrude so she took the bus back home. She didn't know anyone yet even though new comers were encouraged to meet with some of the elders and junior pastors in the church. She declined that invitation, not ready to get involved. The condition hadn't said she had to be involved in the church; just be a member. That she could handle and was happy with.
“Monday is a good day!” Hannah said to herself, humming as she excitedly got ready for school. Not wanting to inconvenience Emily, Hannah took the bus to school so she could be early. Emily came in later as she realised that the children were getting used to Hannah.
Jonathan popped into the school during the day when the children were on break. Having spotted him, Hannah took a turn away from the office to the playground where she could be shadowed by the trees so that she wouldn't bump into him. Not that he saw her. Avoiding him would be the best recourse for her to not feel intimidated, she excused her action.
“Hello, Sarah!” Jonathan greeted amicably, casually walking into her office.
“Jonathan, I haven't seen you for a long time,” she said excited to see him again. It was true, she hadn't seen him since Hannah started.
“It has been busy,” he sighed sounding a bit tired. But he didn't reveal the culprit for his tiredness. “How's it been with our new teacher?” he cut to the chase.
“Why not ask Emily?” Sarah suggested kindly. “I'm happy with Emily's report but best you speak with her directly.”
Jonathan nodded and Sarah asked Madeline to fetch Emily from the teachers' lounge. While they waited, they chatted about things at the school and whether there were other things to implement or change. Jonathan was always looking to improve, change or make additions that would benefit the pupils and staff. Sarah had learned very early in her post, that he was a born leader and change was his consistent. Off course, he drew the line where discomfort was concerned and all the staff were thankful for that. Gratitude made them hunker to do his bidding.
It wasn't long before Emily arrived at the office. “You looking for me?” she directed the question at Sarah after greeting Jonathan.
“Jonathan wanted to find out first hand how the new teacher was doing,” Sarah explained with a twinkle in her eye.
“She certainly knows her stuff,” Emily said with conviction. “You need not worry about the children walking all over her. She looks timid but she knows how to handle them.”
“Sounds like you two have cut the probation period,” he smiled.
“I am convinced that God knew what He was doing in hiring her,” Emily said slyly.
“Mm!” Jonathan humphed. “I didn't see her at church though.” He casually shifted the subject matter but his eyes were probing.
“Oh she was there! Derrick and I drove her. She didn't want to stay afterwards though. Probably too shy to meet new people.” Emily shrugged.
Sarah smiled. Task one completed for Hannah.
“Let's see if she pitches at the course this Saturday,” he said without a smile.
“I have no doubt she will,” Emily stated boldly.
Jonathan shrugged but said nothing further, leaving the ladies on their own.
“I wonder why he is so harsh with Hannah?” Sarah asked thoughtfully.
“The Lord only knows,” Emily sighed, rolling her eyes. She went back to the teacher's lounge before the break was over.
The week was uneventful but Hannah was sad when it came to an end. She had to say goodbye to Emily as a supervisor. But at least she would see her during the week at home. That Friday, Emily left early.
Sarah came to say goodbye to Emily and thank her for her assistance. She stayed after Emily left.
“Are you enjoying your class?” Sarah asked Hannah.
“Very much!” Hannah's face lit up in a broad smile. “Thank you for offering me the opportunity.”
Sarah didn't correct her that it was Jonathan who'd asked for her to be hired. Or rather God! Sarah just smiled warmly.
“You comfortable with everything?” she asked instead.
“Absolutely!” Hannah smiled. “I love this classroom. It is so very much what a child needs when spending so much time here.”
“That's what attracted me to this sc
They chatted a while about the school and Hannah was surprised it was a fairly young school, only four years in existence starting very small and growing fast. But the four years had been fruitful years, she concluded.
The conduct of the school was tied to the church itself. All patrons of the school had to uphold the principles of the church. Strict measures were in place for any deviations.
“Have you had anyone expelled?” Hannah asked in awe.
“In the beginning, yes. But over the last two years, there haven't been any expulsions,” Sarah confirmed.
“Is there allowance for children of parents who do not attend this church, to learn here?”
“If we have capacity but so far we had no space for outside children,” Sarah said ruefully. “It would benefit them greatly if they were to attend. They don't only learn academics but also the word of God.”
“It is a pity there isn't room,” Hannah agreed. “I'm grateful I got in,” she said lightly.
Sarah laughed. “I hope that you don't want out at any time.”
“Not a chance! Unless off course pastor Chandler asks me to leave.” Hannah shivered.
“I doubt that will happen,” Sarah said with vigour, knowing that Jonathan would not go against God's wishes. Unconvinced, Hannah just smiled.
Chapter 3
Saturday morning was bitterly cold but Hannah made her way with determination to the training room on the church grounds for the course she had to complete. She was glad that she wasn't the only one togged in a beanie, scarf and gloves.
There were quite a few people attending – it was amazing that so many people had joined this church recently – and many were there already. Registration was quick and delegates could help themselves to a hot drink while they waited to get started.
Seating was comfortable and the course began on time. It was a gruelling day but very informative. Fortunately, no one wanted to linger and chat for Hannah was tired and she just wanted to get home. She wanted to go straight into the shower and into bed thereafter. But it didn't pan out that way.